Next year I will be spending my junior year of high school in Kinmen, Taiwan and documenting my adventure on this blog. Enjoy!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Have you ever just sat down and looked through every photograph from your early childhood. From when you were two years old until your current age? It certainly is mind boggling. All the things you tried, all the things you gave up, the friends you had, the outfit you wore? You can't change anything! It's just stuck there in those photographs forever. Burn them, but you know they're still there. Throw them away, they hang in the back of your mind. It's something to think about for the future, those memories, actions, moments, words, conversations, decisions looks, smiles, hugs, and friendships will always be there for eternity. Lovely...........
Monday, October 24, 2011
Spooks, Crayons, and Recovery

Belle's continuing her recovery process, and figuring more things out daily. Of all the suckiness of being in a hospital, what seems to make her the most blue is the fact that she can't go trick or treating. I mean what kid doesn't take pleasure in dressing up in a terrifying costume and knocking on doors they've never knocked on before to ask for candy. Haunted school buses, graveyards, ghosts, terror, it really gives you chills. Don't get me wrong, I participated in this
"holiday" for years but looking back it now greatly confuses me. Alas, Isabel is definetly looking forward to the hospital trick or treating and her friends bringing her candy. This year, I am dressing as..... A Crayon!! I mean I can't find anything scary or nauseating about a crayon, except the consumption of them...... rethinking.
"holiday" for years but looking back it now greatly confuses me. Alas, Isabel is definetly looking forward to the hospital trick or treating and her friends bringing her candy. This year, I am dressing as..... A Crayon!! I mean I can't find anything scary or nauseating about a crayon, except the consumption of them...... rethinking.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Hospital ~ 1 Week
Isabel is pretty much herself again. As I breathe a sigh of relief I can't help but think, what would our family have done without all of our friends? I realize now they're more like family than friends. Driving my brother and I to and from the hospital and driving all the way from North Carolina! They truly are family, my grandparents as well, staying with us while my parents stay at the hospital with my sister. I am truly grateful for having each and every one of them in my life, and I love them all. Finally were seeing light at the end of the tunnel. Isabel went outside today and got some sunlight! It's so amazing to see her cheery personality coming back over time.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Hospital Day Five
Days at the hospital blur together. It's the waiting, the anxiety that really gets to me and causes to me break down. She is improving though, very slowly but surely and it really brings hope to everyone. Yesterday she talked! This doesn't seem like a huge deal but it really is! It's funny though because when we get all excited when she says "hi" she acts like were all crazy. I don't know if the reality of it all has really sunk in yet, but each day she's remembering more and more. Each smile, laugh, and word makes us so happy because we know she's getting better and will soon be herself again. Today is my fifth hospital day, but let me just say it feels like it's been a year. It's so hard seeing her like this but I know she will recover and be our day brightening Isabel again.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
You never think about something tragic and terrible happening to someone you love. You never picture them laying in a hospital bed, unable to talk to you, smile, or move. Yesterday my little sister was admitted at children's hospital after having a seizure. She can't recognize me, or talk to me and i've found it's so hard to think about the way things used to be before this. Just yesterday she was talking and laughing! It's just not fair. The sweetest little girl in the world, is laying in the ICU and we don't know if she's going to fully recover. I'm scared, sad, and confused. I love Isabel more than anything in the world and I think I didn't realize how much our sisterhood ment until now. I don't have a sister to talk to and I have NEVER in my life been more afraid and nervous. I'm not a religous person, but if anyone reads this please pray for my sister.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
I rode a horse
Well, I did it! I rode a horse... for a maximum of five minutes. It was terrifying, and i've decided I am not a horse person. When I got to the barn, I was nervous but I was excited as well. Than the instructor brought our "Pal", a clearly UNSTABLE and OLD horse. I'm serious this horse could not stand still, and the horse back riding instructor said he was like 80 years old! As if I wasn't already scared enough. So I got onto the horse all nice and easy, than he began walking and sneezing and walking and sneezing. I got to a point where I was terrified, not having fun, and feeling like I was about to fall off. My horse experience was not the best one, and I have decided my contact with any other horse will simply be petting them.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
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