Thursday, June 14, 2012

Guarantee Form!

Finally Finally Finally Finally Finally! I simply cannot explain the excitement I felt when I received that oh so important envelope in the mail yesterday. After waiting for months, and watching anxiously as others received theirs, mine has arrived! I now have confirmation of my host family and can finally contact the travel agent about my Visa to Taiwan, and China! After I get my Visa, I can set a date for when I leave. Odds are it will be sometime between August 19th and August 23rd because inbound orientation is the 25th.In addition to talking with some members of my first host family over the past month I have also talked with the other exchange student that will be living on the island of Kinmen. The more information I acquire the more real this whole thing seems. I will literally be living in Taiwan in about 70 days, the idea is absolutely incomprehensible! I have also found out what school I will be attending, National Kinmen Senior High School. I will have one host brother and a host sister. A few weeks ago when I was told by my host sister that I would be living on a small island less than two miles from China instead of mainland Taiwan, I was absolutely terrified. I had spend months researching Taipei and knew nothing about the island of Kinmen. Let's just say it was an enormous shock. Now, I can hardly wait for my adventure to begin!  I love Taiwan already. <3