Next year I will be spending my junior year of high school in Kinmen, Taiwan and documenting my adventure on this blog. Enjoy!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Today, we the Staats family had our second day in New Zealand. First of all the plane ride, was soooooooo long. I'm sorry, I mean the plane rides. First from columbus to chicago, then from chicago to Sanfrancisco, then from Sanfrancisco to Australia, and just when you think it's over NO! Then three more hours to New Zealand. a grand total of........20 hours of flying. Ok, finally we landed in Aukland, New Zealand. Once we got our car and rode to our house it was very dark so we pretty much, went to bed. The next day we all got up really early, I know what your thinking, WOW! but we wern't very tired because we went to bed so early. We ate breakfast and then my sister and I went to explore outside. It was beautiful, there was tons of ferns everywhere and lots of trees. We took tons of pictures and also found a path with really steep dropoffs. We went down it a little and passed a waterfall, and a wierd picture of a tiger on a little fence. Then we headed back. Once we got back, my mom, dad, sister, brother, and I walked downtown and found the library. It was a really pretty town and a really pretty library. We didn't have internet connection at the house so we used the library computers. When we left the library we went to a little coffee shop and got hot chocolate. it was goooooooooood. After we got back to the house my mom had to work
so the rest of us went back to the path my sister and i had found and we took a picnic. We hiked for so long in the rainforest then finally we came to a rode. we followed the rode to the BEACH! where we found shells and lots of birds and ducks and a giant swing made out of a log. We ate lunch and ducks came up to us and ate bread out of our hands. Then we rode on the giant swing. then it started raining. We ran under a shelter and waited for it to calm down but finally we made a run for the forest path again. in the path the trees were so dense that barely any rain hit us. Finally we got back and my brother, sister and I walked downtown together and went to the library and read for and hour, then went and got pastries at the bakery. another suprising detail-(my dad now has a new favorite dessert, it's not donuts. it's pastries!) After we ate we went to bed. The next day we got up early again. Today we were going to see the aquarium. We drove for about 45 minutes into Aukland (on the left side of the rode) and finally found the aquarium/Antarctica museum. Inside there were stingrays, and turtles, and lots and lots of penguin. we took a little cart around the penguins and saw them eating and even a baby penguin. Then we walked through a giant tube that had fish and sharks and stingrays. We also saw sea horses, moray eel, and giant lobster. After we left the aquarium we drove around for a really long time looking for a way out of Aukland and food. Finally we found our way back, then decided to visit a beach where the movie "The piano" was filmed. It was the most beautiful beach in the world. It had sand slopes, a river leading to the ocean (that was freezing and we had to walk through) and huge cliffs that we ended up climbing. After we left we were freezing. it was pretty cold outside, and because we had taken a wrong path we had to walk through knee deep ice cold water. (i would have swam in it) Then we got pizza when we went back into town, now i'm blogging and gabe is asking if we want to watch t.v. C YA!!!!!!!!!
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