Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Final Farewell

In 2 days now we will be heading back to the United States. I'm both happy and sad. Sad to leave the beautiful, serene, islands of New Zealand, but also happy to see friends, family again. (also my bed) The think that I will miss most about New Zealand is the scenic views over the estuary of mountains and grassy hills. My favorite memory was the time our family spent at Rabbit island, sand castles, cartwheels, tepees, and daring my sister to lay down in the freezing water. Also hikes at Abel Tasman, farewell spit, and many others. On one of our last days we went to Rabbit island and my sister and I built faerie houses, another day we went swimming, or just drew pictures in the wet sand. Today we stayed at the house most of the day, built a fire, and played outside, then in the afternoon we went to Rabbit island and played in the sand. Overall, New Zealand has been one of the best experiences of my life and I think it has brought our family a whole lot closer.  

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