Sunday, January 23, 2011

Africa-first day-and the market

We have arrived in Accra, Ghana! It has been an amazing experience so far. There are so many unfamiliar sight, smells, and people but overall its been amazing. The first day we arrived on the plane we walked off to have a rush of humidity and warmth hit us. Wearing our long pants, and coats I have to say it was pretty nauseating. When we walked into the airport there was a faint smell of a porta potty and Christmas decorations were placed all over the place. Finally we all crammed into the van that would take us to the airport and that was when we truly got our first glimpse of Accra. It was very filthy, with an open sewer and people walking in the road trying to sell you things. It was very displeasing to experience all the poverty in the city, but at the same time I feel it was something everyone must eventually know about. The hotel was really nice with a pool and amazing food. This is where we spent the rest of our first day.

We walked on the beach that eventing and it was quite a sight. There were people riding horses and restaurants all over the beach. There was quite a bit a trash on the shore, but still many people were swimming. Up and down the beach people were trying to sell things, somebody offered my mom a horse ride. We also saw somebody making a sand sculpture and a group of people playing drums. You would definitely not see anything like it back in the states. We ate dinner and then went to bed fairly early that night. Our second day in Ghana was a lot of fun! We had a wonderful breakfast and then we went with another pilot to a local market in Accra. The minute we stepped out of the car, people came up and tried to get us over to their shops. The shops consisted of jewelery, clothes, and wooden items in little shacks. We ended us getting lots of jewelery because it is was so cheap. One pair of earrings were 2 cidis which is equivilant to about one dollar and fifty cents. I also got to watch my dad attempt to haggle. After looking around/ being dragged into more shops, we headed back to the hotel. It was still extremely hot out so we hung out by the pool for a while swimming and reading. The rest of the night we relaxed at the hotel. I can't wait until tomorrow!!!!

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