Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Lovely Winter Break

I have decided to once again begin to Blog. My life has been very fascinating since I have been back to public school. It seems so long ago I was writing my first post about my first day of homeschooling. At school i've learned that people have changed, and stayed the same. I've learned that it's scary how the kids I once new are now freshmen. It's hard to believe that I will be graduating in less then four short years. Public school has been hard, interesting, and stressful and still I'm not sure if it was the right decision.
I haven't had a true adventure in about a year when I travelled to Amsterdam but in a few weeks I will embark on a journey to Ghana, Africa. I'm so excited! This will be a spectacular experience and something to look forward to in the middle of January. I often feel sad when the sky is grey, and the trees bare. In Africa it will be warm. A the very least i'll enjoy the warmth for a week. I hope everyone is well and continues to read my blog! I hope to blog at least three times a week. love, amelia

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Amelia
Your entry to your blog writing is really creative. Have you thought about being a writer. How have you been? Hope all is well. Good luck in the New Year