Monday, February 28, 2011

The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
By Amelia Staats
The play “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare is a tragedy about a young couple whose death is caused by the fact that they couldn’t be together. But who really was responsible for their death? The guilt could be blamed on numerous people like Lord Capulet, for insisting that his daughter marry against her will. Or the Friar, for coming up with the plan of fake death without having a perfect way to notify all that was involved. It could simply be put on the young couple by defying their parent’s feelings about their families. One thing is for certain, a lot of pain and sorrow was caused as a result of these complications.
The Montague’s and Capulet’s had been feuding for a very long time and all of the servants and children of the houses were affected by it. Romeo and Juliet defied their parents, secretly saw each other and were married. Because of their family’s disagreement, they could never be open to their parents about their relationship. Gradually tension grew after Romeo’s involvement in Tybalt’s death and Lord and Lady Capulet wanting him dead. Even Juliet had something to worry about, her father forcing her to marry Paris.
Overall, Lord and lady Montague, and Lord and Lady Capulet were the ones that caused the death of their loved ones. There long feud had gone on too long, yet they kept it going by not ending it. People were dying in fights on the streets, the prince was getting mad, and their own children were disobeying their wishes. If they had ended this fight long ago and permitted Romeo and Juliet to be together, then the tragedy would not have occurred. It was their fault the Romeo and Juliet didn’t approach them in the first place with their relationship, because they were scared that they would be separated. This feud caused a lot of deaths, grief, and wasted time so Lord and Lady Montague and Capulet were responsible.

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