Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Spring term, Mandarin, and Rotary

Since my last post, I have come a long way. I had a great time in Composition one and absolutely loved my teacher. Now it is spring term at COTC and I have started Composition two. So far it has been good, except for having to learn APA format. I was getting very familiar with MLA but now I have to learn a brand new format. On top of my class I am also learning Mandarin Chinese in preparation for my year abroad in Taiwan. Taking lessons from a native speaker is lets just say, HARD. My tutor is a student at Denison and is very particular when it comes to Chinese. It is difficult but I am glad it is, I know I will be grateful when I get to Taiwan. Time has gone by so fast! It seems like my first Rotary weekend was just last month. Well, I leave in about four to five months. Many people in my district are already beginning to find out what city they will be in. That's the hard part, the waiting and waiting to hear where you will be living for a year. It truly is nerve racking. I am so excited, yet so nervous. Five more months, let the terrifyingly wonderful countdown begin!

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