Thursday, September 6, 2012

Cooking and Chinese Classes!

This week I had my second week of school at the National Kinmen Senior High School and some new classes at National Kinmen Vocational School. At Kinmen High School I started my Chinese lessons with Naima. The first two periods on Mondays and Wednesdays we go to the library instead of class and meet with our teacher. Chinese is really hard, and can be very frustrating to try and learn at times. But I find myself saying, "We have got to learn Chinese" to Naima quite a bit when I don't understand what people are saying. I also started Chinese cooking classes at the Vocational school. The kids there are completely different the the students at Kinmen High School. They are definetly not as shy. As soon as we arrived many of them came up to greet us. At the high school people mostly smile and wave. The first couple days we didn't actually do any cooking, we just cleaned the kitchen and sat in class. It was a very layed back class, many of the students would be texting or on facebook while the teacher was talking. It greatly differed from the attentive students at the high school. I have gotten to know many of the kids at both schools, and they are all so friendly. But i can't wait for the weekend. :D

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