Next year I will be spending my junior year of high school in Kinmen, Taiwan and documenting my adventure on this blog. Enjoy!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Amsterdam....The Venice of the north
My dream city has always been Venice. I loved the idea of the canals and the city on water, I thought it was the most magnificent picture in the world. I haven't been there but now I think I have a pretty good idea of what it would be like. Amsterdam, Holland seems to have many similarities. We arrived in Amsterdam 11:00 in the mourning we were all so drowsy as we went through customs and got on the bus with the rest of the United employees. The bus went to a hotel where we wondered down the street until we convinced my dad to go back and ask for directions to our apartment. It took about 20 minutes until we got to the apartment. We saw all the amazing canals, house boats, and gorgeous buildings. We walked over a bunch of bridges until we came to a small street where bikes were everywhere! There wasn't a clear spot on any of the bike racks or buildings or railings. We went in and the owner of the apartment, Vladimir (also the name of my Halloween bouncy ball) gave us a tour of the small house. There was the living room where Isabel and I would be sleeping, there was my mom and dads' bedroom, a kitchen (which my mom loved!"), and an outdoor patio that was enclosed by the other 3 walls of the apartment building. We were so exhausted but my mom and dad insisted on us going for a walk to stay awake and get used to the time so we walked around for about 2 hours. While we were out we decided to find the famous pancake bakery. There we had the most amazing pancakes in the world!!! Isabel had an animal one, which is pretty much a bunch of candy and a stuffed animal, my mom and I split a Thai pancake. It was so good it had chicken, vegetables on a crepe like pancake. Finally, we headed back pretty much right when we sat down we all fell asleep, we slept for an hour then we got up and my mom, dad, and I had tea. Isabel was still asleep when we decided to go out walking again so we woke her up, then headed out. (Let me just say Isabel was not the happiest person in the world.) On top of trudging around half asleep, it started to rain. I actually enjoyed it, we searched for the 9 streets where we ate burgers at a restaurant nearby. We walked down some streets and saw a bunch of cute little shops including a toothbrush shop. It was so funny it even had a toothbrush Farris wheel with toothbrushes in the seats. It reminded us of Gabe who brushes his teeth like crazy. When we headed back I wrote in my journal, then went to sleep. The next mourning we woke up fairly early because it was not only our second day, but our last. We first walked to the Anne Frank House. It was the most sorrowful moment in our trip, we saw Anne Franks' room and her mom and dads, people that new her talking about her. I had a lot to think about in that museum. After we left we headed to the flower market, it was gorgeous we saw all kinds of flowers, and souvenir shops (I'm sure they make a lot of money off tourists). Finally, we just walked around until we went back to the apartment. Isabel and I found our souvenirs at a local shop, Isabel got a singing bird and I got a paper mushroom to hang on the ceiling. It took a while to get home, but when we did we were both sad and happy, but mostly sad. I think I can say I had a wonderful time in the Venice of the north!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Beginning another year of homeschooling
Finally, another school year! I hate to disagree with my peers, but I must admit I am beyond ecstatic that school has begun. For the first few weeks summer vacation is fun, Lake Hudson, trips downtown, sleepovers, seeing friends again. Then it turns to just plain, nothing to do. Technically, I don't start school until my things get here, but my time is mostly filled with reading books, then writing reports about the books, and drawing/painting. Right now my mom is in New Hampshire visiting my Aunt Tricia, she comes back tomarrow. While she was gone, and my dad was at work, my grandparents stayed with us. The first night Isabel and I kind of had a sleepover in the basement. My dad was sleeping in my bed (he was leaving for work in the mourning) so we slept on the basement couches. We watched "Blades of glory" then "Gilmore Girls, then we recited Bruce Lansky poetry to each other while we acted it out and wrote in our journals. Finally, we went to bed. The next mourning we slept in late, then had waffles. It was hot outside so I read on the trampoline, then went and read in my room. That night Isabel and I played night tennis. By night tennis I mean, the lights were out so I stuck my racket out and guessed where the ball was, it was fun though. When we got home we went to bed at maybe 10:00 after having taco scoops, which are everything you would find in a taco on a tortilla chip in cup form. The next day was filled with reading again, as well as New Albany tennis with Charlotte and John, recently they have not gotten along! Charlotte then had a private lesson so John and I just hit for a little while. When I got home I had Chinese food from early that day. That night I finished my book "Bronx Masquerade" the next day we went to the library and I got a new book called "Angel Isle". Now, I'm exhausted...Goodnight to all!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Final Farewell
In 2 days now we will be heading back to the United States. I'm both happy and sad. Sad to leave the beautiful, serene, islands of New Zealand, but also happy to see friends, family again. (also my bed) The think that I will miss most about New Zealand is the scenic views over the estuary of mountains and grassy hills. My favorite memory was the time our family spent at Rabbit island, sand castles, cartwheels, tepees, and daring my sister to lay down in the freezing water. Also hikes at Abel Tasman, farewell spit, and many others. On one of our last days we went to Rabbit island and my sister and I built faerie houses, another day we went swimming, or just drew pictures in the wet sand. Today we stayed at the house most of the day, built a fire, and played outside, then in the afternoon we went to Rabbit island and played in the sand. Overall, New Zealand has been one of the best experiences of my life and I think it has brought our family a whole lot closer.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Trip to Golden bay
The following days we took an overnight trip to Golden bay about two hours from where we are staying in Mapua. We started off at about 11:00 and started driving on the windy roads up the mountainside. It was a spectacular view of blue mountains, treetops, and the wide valley below. We drove until we got to a little town called Takaka. We ate at a cafe, than we walked around the town for a little while before continuing. Soon we came to Golden bay where we stopped at a little shop for chocolate, after that we drove around the town a bit. It was getting late so we found a campground that rented cabins so we got a seaside cabin for the night. (later found out BIG MISTAKE!) We got in the cabin and it was awful. The floor was cement with chipped paint and there were spots of mold on the wall. There were two sets of bunk beds, with no blankets and a big bed. Since my dad had been snoring he and my sister slept together in the big bed. I got top bunk and my mom and brother took the other two bottom bunks. Might I add that it was FREEZING. Just to warm it up we had to turn on the stove burners and a tiny little heater which we all gathered around. The gas station store was closed so we walked over to a little cafe across the street. It was just what we needed, it had a warm fire place and sofas with books. We got hot chocolate and after we ate, Gabe played with a cat that was sitting on a chair and I read about the titanic. After we left we started walking back to the cabin. My dad, Isabel, and Gabe went for a walk on the beach while my mom and I read our books. When we woke up Isabel and I took a walk on the beach and than went to go get snacks at the gas station. When we came back we found that my mom caught a cockroach under a cup. (she left it where the owners could see it) I also left them a note, which mom made me throw away, but I put it face up in the trash. ha ha ha. After we left we headed up the road to a cafe to get breakfast. Then we went up to a trail where we would hike to a lighthouse. It was a beautiful trail with grassy hills and great scenery, the lighthouse was a bit of a disappointment considering it was no more then a piece of medal attached to a light bulb. The next hike we went on was one of the best hikes ever! It went into different pens like for sheep, and cows but then it came to a beach, the beach was amazing there were pretty big sand dunes (not as big as the ones in Colorado) and a little pool with baby seals playing in it. they were adorable like little puppies with fins. They would dive and jump and play with each other and they would waddle across the sand to get to a little cove. A few times they came up and touched you. one also chased Gabe because he got in the way when it was trying to get to the cove. They would inch there way up to you and sniff you toes. They were very cute. once we left Isabel, Gabe, and I went to the top of a sand dune and started jumping off them. We didn't get very far but we had competitions to see who could jump the farthest. Finally, we had to go we started hiking back in our bare feet since some of the path was sand. Once we got back we started to drive back to Mapua. On the way back we stopped at a little pathway which led to different cave like paths, my brother and I climbed up into some. It lead to a big 30ft rock which Gabe, my dad, and I rock climbed up. it was really tough getting down mostly because Gabe kept trying to get us to go down a steep edge onto a post, soon my dad found a different way. on the way back we made our last hiking stop we went up a hill to see the Abel Tasman memorial. It was not very impressive except for the spectacular scenery of the ocean, mountains, and a sunset. overall it was worth it. Our last stop was at a restaurant on the way back where we got food and ice cream. Then we headed back to our cottage in the orchard, there we made a fire and went to bed.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Swing bridge, pancake rock on the drive to Greymouth
Two days ago we left for Greymouth. Near Greymouth are the glow worm caves, and the glacier. As we drove we looked at the scenery on the windy road, as we twisted and turned around the mountains we considered the thought that maybe the builders tried to make the roads as sickly as possible. Finally, we pulled over into a parking lot and we visited the largest swing bridge in New Zealand. The first few steps across it were Ok, but then we got to the center then my dad started swinging it, and then there was the fact that we were walking across over an 100 ft. bridge. once we got to the other side we went on a short hike and then Gabe, Isabel, and I went on a zip line beside the swing bridge. It wasn't actually that scary, more slow and scenic. Once we left we kept driving for a while until we came to the glow worm caves. The last tour had already left for the day so we just decided to eat there and Gabe and I played pool. He beat me. (just like chess) After we left we went to a bed and breakfast that we were staying at, it was in the middle of a farm. It had sheep, horses, cows and the owners had a pet pig, his name was piggy. He was kind of cute, I felt bad for him though because he had no company. When ever he hear someone coming he would start snorting and become very ecstatic. After we brought our stuff inside my brother and I played tennis at the lit tennis court. Pretty soon I got to tired and went to bed. The next day we woke up and we ate at the cottage and then started to drive to the glacier. Once we got to the glacier it took us a while to find out if we wanted to take a helicopter up or to the heli hike, which was where we went up in a helicopter and hiked down. It was pretty expensive to do the heli hike so we were going to go up in the helicopter, walk around on the top of the glacier then ride the helicopter back down. Finally, after waiting a while we got up in the helicopter put on headphones because of the noise and than we were off. It was one of the most amazing things I had ever seen, there was snow and ice everywhere yet it was still kind of warm and below there was an ice river slowly moving about 4 meters per day. At the top we walked around on the solid ice that was a lot layers thick. After we got back down we ate lunch and than we went on a hike to where you could see the bottom of the glacier. My sister and I made a giant S in the sand out of rocks and than while Gabe and dad went to get a closer look at the glacier, Isabel, mom, and I went back to wit in the car because it was to cold. Once we left we went by a store to get flashlights because on the way home, we were going to see glow worms. We got to the path and it was pitch dark. We turned on the flashlights but kept them down so we wouldn't disturb the worms. Finally we got to the end of the path and we turned off the flashlights. There were a bunch of little dots that looked lie stars. They were so pretty and they just hung there all peaceful. After we got back to the cottage we all went to bed.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Sunday market, jester house and tennis at last
Today we got up pretty early to go to the Sunday market in the town of Motueka. We arrived there and we saw tents up in the town, we finally found a place to park and then went to look around. My sister and I went off on our own to look at jewelry, clothes, and other stuff. We found bracelets, a necklace and my sister and I both got my mom a gift. My sister got her a green necklace (with a ton of bribing it will soon be mine!) and I got her green earrings to match it. We also bought some licorice that was in tiny cubes and a lot of different flavors like raspberry and kiwi. We also got soap that was shaped and designed to look like cake, cupcakes and fudge. If you just picked one up you would try to eat it, trust me. (I didn't try to eat it) Once we left the sunday market we went by the Jester house which has tame eel, and a live sized chess board. When we got in we got to feed the eel bits of raw meat. The eel literally got out of the water to try to eat the meat. They were kinda cute. We also ate at the cafe there and my brother and I played life size chess. He beat me. It was kind of a work out carrying the big wooden pieces over the board. Once we left we headed back to the house to put away the food that we got at the market then my brother, sister, dad and I went to play tennis. My brother and I started to hit on a blacktop court and my sister and dad went and played on the playground. My brother and I hit for a long time then I went to get water at a nearby store, then we started hitting again. Not to long after to men started hitting on the court over and they asked Gabe and I if we wanted to play doubles with them. It sounded like a good idea so we started to warm up with them and we took some serves. We lost the first set 6,0 and then in the second set we started to make a come back we were up 3,0. We ended up losing 6,0 3,6. We played pretty good though. After we left as we were driving home we saw the most beautiful, glorious sunset with pink, orange, and yellow spread across the sky. We ate dinner and built a fire before going to bed.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Hiking, swimming, and fish and chips!
Today was both planned and unplanned. It started out with us driving on the windy road to the place my brother, dad, Isabel, and I went the other day to try to hike, but it rained. This time, unlike last time my mom came this time the road wasn't as windy because we went a different way so no side stops. When we got there we started walking on the path, there was a lot of mud where the tide came in. In the mud lots of people had put rocks that said in giant letters, so and so was here. We kept walking until we got to the forest, the trees were pretty dense and we started walking by the ocean. We stopped at the sights along the way, and also a really nice beach with really soft yellow sand, and the best part of it was it was deserted. My brother immediately decided he wanted to go swimming, i immediately decided I did not. We still had a long hike ahead of us and I didn't want to go walking on the trail sopping wet, and the water was crazy cold. My brother got in and then was soon out, he said it was freezing and he wouldn't go in again unless either me or my sister got in. I went over to explore the rocks that went out into the ocean a ways. We explored some of the tide pools by the rocks and my dad and I discovered a little cave like crevice in the rock and a lot of snails. My mom and dad started to walk down the beach and I started to look for shells in the sand. Gabe, kept begging us to go in the water, I continued to say no! Then out of nowhere, my brother said and I quote "chicken, why don't you get in and become a man". That was it I flipped off my shoes and sprinted towards the water, what the heck was I doing, dooming myself to a whole lot of COLD! Oops, to late I was up to my waist in water. My shorts were soaked and half of my shirt but guess what Gabe kept yelling. "Chicken, chicken I'll only go in if you go under water. I thought about it, I was already cold now, freezing, or just cold. OK, one, two, three and I went under. It was a mixture of two thoughts, oh crap it's cold and wow long time since I've been in the ocean. But then I started to get used to the water. My brother ran in and under water then we played Marco polo and we raced in the water and ran as far out as we could without tripping in the water. I can honestly say that this was one of the happiest moments with my brother. After my sister finally got persuaded to come in but she was wearing long black cotton pants so she took her pants off and went in her underwear, ha ha ha. But she only went in for two seconds before my brother splashed her and she ran out. Then after five minutes she ran in again but then my brother splashed her and she ran out again never to return. Last my brother, sister, dad, mom, and I played spiders and flies. If my brother and I made it past the spiders we had to dive in the water and go under. After we started to get bit by sand flies so we started to leave. I was sandy and wet so I put my socks on over my disgusting sandy, dirty feet and then put my shoes on. My brother let me use his sweatshirt so I wasn't that cold. Once we got back to the car we went into the cafe and my mom, dad, and brother got coffee and my sister and I got hot chocolate. Then we went to get fish and chips. (chips=fries). We got home and ate tons of fish and chips and then my sister blogged and listened to Grease songs. Goodnight!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Making friends, aquarium, and Rabbit Island
Today we didn't have big plans. We woke up, ate breakfast, then my mom and dad went out on a date leaving us to do our work and just hang out. We were out on the porch when we saw two other kids playing at the other house. our conversation went something like this.
Gabe: you go meet them
Amelia:your always saying you have social skills, you go meet them.
Isabel: I'll do it.......... never mind
Amelia:common, I'll give you 5 kiwi dollars.
Isabel:no, I want someone to go with me.
Gabe: Stop being chickens.
walks up to them, Amelia follows, then Isabel
After we went up and Gabe helped them build there bike ramp, and then went off it. After that we went and had an acorn fight and went up on a barn roof.
Finally, we went back to the cottage for lunch and after we ate a sandwich we got these weird marshmellow things that were in the shape of a bird. After that we went in the hammock and swung for a while. When we got in we were going to go to an Aquarium and then to play tennis and then to Rabbit island, which is an island that is on the other side of the estuary. When we got to the aquarium we went in and started looking at all of the fish. It was a touch aquarium so anything you could reach you could touch. We got to touch and eel, turtle, starfish, and even a stingray. The stingray kept following people, it was like he wanted to get touched. He was very slimy, he was a very social stingray. We also got to touch a shark, he was a very small shark so he wasn't dangerous. Beside the eel tank there was a sign that said "When you touch the eel use your fist because they can bite." After we left the aquarium, we went over to the tennis courts, we couldn't find any store that had tennis balls that were decent so we just wnet straight to rabbit island. When we got to Rabbit island, my Gabe and dad went running. Me and Isabel went looking for shells and my mom read on the blanket. then Isabel and I built a sand castle. Before we left all of us were doing carwheels. Even my mom. Once we got home, we had dinner and then Gabe and mom played scrabble, and isabel and dad played astroids, and old arcade game. I just sat knitted, and now i'm blogging.
2 things
Mom is finally done with her work
Happy belated birthday Grandpa
Gabe: you go meet them
Amelia:your always saying you have social skills, you go meet them.
Isabel: I'll do it.......... never mind
Amelia:common, I'll give you 5 kiwi dollars.
Isabel:no, I want someone to go with me.
Gabe: Stop being chickens.
walks up to them, Amelia follows, then Isabel
After we went up and Gabe helped them build there bike ramp, and then went off it. After that we went and had an acorn fight and went up on a barn roof.
Finally, we went back to the cottage for lunch and after we ate a sandwich we got these weird marshmellow things that were in the shape of a bird. After that we went in the hammock and swung for a while. When we got in we were going to go to an Aquarium and then to play tennis and then to Rabbit island, which is an island that is on the other side of the estuary. When we got to the aquarium we went in and started looking at all of the fish. It was a touch aquarium so anything you could reach you could touch. We got to touch and eel, turtle, starfish, and even a stingray. The stingray kept following people, it was like he wanted to get touched. He was very slimy, he was a very social stingray. We also got to touch a shark, he was a very small shark so he wasn't dangerous. Beside the eel tank there was a sign that said "When you touch the eel use your fist because they can bite." After we left the aquarium, we went over to the tennis courts, we couldn't find any store that had tennis balls that were decent so we just wnet straight to rabbit island. When we got to Rabbit island, my Gabe and dad went running. Me and Isabel went looking for shells and my mom read on the blanket. then Isabel and I built a sand castle. Before we left all of us were doing carwheels. Even my mom. Once we got home, we had dinner and then Gabe and mom played scrabble, and isabel and dad played astroids, and old arcade game. I just sat knitted, and now i'm blogging.
2 things
Mom is finally done with her work
Happy belated birthday Grandpa
Hike, fly swat, and 100% new zealand yarn
Today we woke up to a horrible buzzing sound. We walked into the kitchen, looked up at the ceiling, and there they were. Lots and lots and lots and lots..... of flies! They were everywhere on the counter on the ceiling and in our food. Also we found ants in the honey and peanut butter. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Once everyone woke up and ate we decided to go on a hike at a park by we I mean everyone but mom, she had to work again. We drove for a while on a really twisty road that was very similar to the Hana highway in Hawaii. We had to stop on the way because I got dizzy on the plus side the stop we made was a beach and I found a cool shell. Once we got there it started raining, instead of hiking we went to the cafe and had a panini and green mussels. Green mussels are a specialty to this part of New Zealand we agreed that we had to at least try one. When the got there, they looked disgusting, they had a green outer side but a silver in the middle. Gabe went first, and he liked them, then dad and he liked them to. I then put the little chewy mussel in my mouth cringing. It was actually kind of good. Last belle, she took the clam and held it in her fork for a while examining it. Finally, very slowly she put it in her mouth, squinted her eyes. SHE HATED IT! She later talked about how much she hated it all day. We all laughed and I snapped a picture. After we left we decided even though it was sprinkling to walk up the trail a little. We walked along the path, it was a really pretty view of the coast and a lot of multi colored grass. After we got back we started along the windy road again. We passed a stand that looked like kiwi but it was pear so we got a bag of pears for two kiwi dollars. After we got back we swung in the hammock for a while and then my mom and I raveled up yarn from the sheep show. After that my dad went in a fly killing phase. He smacked one on the ceiling then laughed. We then went to bed.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
museum, ferry, and new house
Finally we made it to Wellington after driving 8 hours. on the way we ran my mom just happened to be reading about a geyser that we were passing at the very moment and how in fifteen minutes it was going to blow up. we decided to stop, and when we got there we had to move quickly because it was erupting in 10 minutes we walked over to the geyser and there was already a huge crowd so we just kind of stood in the back finally it was time and after the person explaining what would happen dropped some soap into the geyser it started bubbling. Gradually it started bubbling more and more until it was shooting out and into the air. We watched it for a while and pretty soon we decided to leave. At the same park there were paths where you could see sulfurous pits that contained boiling mud. There were also a lot of thermal pools, and creeks. After we left we started our drive to Wellington. Finally, after lots of sleeping, fighting, complaining, and playing video games we arrived, and went to bed. In the mourning we walked over to the museum across the street. We waited until 10:00, when the museum opened and then went in. First we went into and exhibit about mostly the earth's core, tectonic plates, and Pangaea. I found out that dinosaurs Jurassic age, also gigantic shellfish. We also saw the sea life which included a giant squid. (kinda gross.) After the squid we went in a simulator where you would get in a chair and it would shake you around and twist you as you did different New Zealand activities, like bungee jumping, and swimming with dolphins. After we left the museum we went to catch the ferry. Once we got onto the ferry we ate at the cafe and then spent most of the time on the deck watch in the water and the North Island land pass. (and played d.s) When the ferry docked we drove off and then drove for like 2 hours to a little village outside Nelson where we would be staying. We were staying in a place surrounded by orchards. There is A LOT of mud here when the tide is down but it's still really pretty. Today we played outside a lot and swung in the hammock. Goodnight!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
A day at the farm, and lots of hiking
Today we got up early to go to the farm. We were going to see a sheep show at a world famous farm. After we got there we sat into a giant barn sort of room and waited. There were different kinds of sheep names like the marino which was a giant sheep that was had a lot of wool and had giant horns. As the show went on we saw sheep sheering and sheep dogs rounding up ducks, then sheep. After the show was over we saw a performance with one sheep dog and three sheep. The sheep dog listened to the whistle that the farmer had and his voice. When the farmer said go right the dog went right or go left, or walk. The dog had to get the sheep over a through two posts over a bridge and into a pen. Once the performance was over, the sheep were in the pen and we went over to a tour tractor for the farm tour. As the tractor started we saw lots of different animals. First we saw cows, then pigs, then deer, then alpacas, sheep, and lama. We got out for a while to feed the alpacas, sheep, and lama. At first they were scared but then when they saw we had food the started coming closer and eating out of our hands. After we got back to the barn we went into a little shop that had gifts and wool. I picked out a ball of yarn and some needles so I could knit a scarf out of 100% real New Zealand wool. We also got a giant bag of wool for Ginises. After we left the farm we went home and my mom had to work again. The rest of us went looking for a place to hike. First we went to a place that had a geyser. We were going to see it but then we saw the admission prices and the were lets just say A LOT! Instead we looked for another place but when we couldn't find it we found another trail and we started hiking to it. It lead to the green lake, after taking pictures we walked back up a little and up some stairs. It lead to a real pretty trail and we kept hiking it until it lead back to the parking lot. Then we kept riding until we came to the blue lake. Around the blue lake was a 6 mile walk, we all started walking on it, it went on, and on, and on, and on. Until we finally came to a road we started walking along the road and then down another path. That path lead down to another beach that was across from the beach we had started at. We kept walking through a jungle type path until we got to another road. We had been walking for about a hour and a half and then we finally got back to the parking lot. We got in the car but then we also wanted to see the green lake, (we didn't know we had already seen it) in between the green lake and the blue lake was a little hill which from the top you could see the green lake and the blue lake. The blue lake was actually really blue and the green lake was actually really green. As we came back to the motel my brother and sister went swimming at the pool and my dad went and got pizza. My mom and I stayed and watched "Over the hedge" and "Lord of the rings" because tomorrow we would be going to where Mordor was filmed. Then we went to bed.
Zorbing and stinky springs
Today was one of the best days in New Zealand. First it started out with us driving to Roturua. We then found out that Roturua contains lots and lots of thermal pools and steam vents so that makes it very very stinky. As we entered we found a zorbing place and we just wanted to watch. We saw someone go down the hill strapped in and another two people go down not strapped in but with tons of water in it. We instantly decided that we wanted to do the water one so we went to the car, changed into clothes that could get wet, and then waited in line to zorb. When we got to the top of the hill, there was a little line and people were going down together and alone. How you got in to a zorb was dive into the little tunnel and in. When it was our turn my sister dove in first. I expected it to be freezing cold since there was a little cannel near by that was freezing, but the man said it was warm water. Once we dove in we had to sit there for a little while and then we took off down the hill. It was so fun the water was falling and we were tumbling all around and spinning and doing somersaults, I wasn't panicking just screaming "were gonna die!". As we got near the bottom I noticed we weren't slowing down but then we went up a little tiny hill and then went back down. Before we got someone was leaning in the zorb to take our picture, then outside the zorb. We were drenched and cold but it was all worth it just for the 50 seconds inside the giant ball rolling down a hill. After my brother went we found are motel and then we went to see the hot spring. my mom had to work again so we drove for a while and saw steam vents that were very very very "smelly", "stinky," disgusting odor". Finally we came to a thermal heated little pool where people were dipping there legs in. After we sat there for a little while my brother and I climbed a giant jungle gym. It had little tunnel looking ropes that you could go through and the highest one was about 20 ft. After we left we got groceries and had spam (yummy) and then we watched shrek 3 and went to bed.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Today, we the Staats family had our second day in New Zealand. First of all the plane ride, was soooooooo long. I'm sorry, I mean the plane rides. First from columbus to chicago, then from chicago to Sanfrancisco, then from Sanfrancisco to Australia, and just when you think it's over NO! Then three more hours to New Zealand. a grand total of........20 hours of flying. Ok, finally we landed in Aukland, New Zealand. Once we got our car and rode to our house it was very dark so we pretty much, went to bed. The next day we all got up really early, I know what your thinking, WOW! but we wern't very tired because we went to bed so early. We ate breakfast and then my sister and I went to explore outside. It was beautiful, there was tons of ferns everywhere and lots of trees. We took tons of pictures and also found a path with really steep dropoffs. We went down it a little and passed a waterfall, and a wierd picture of a tiger on a little fence. Then we headed back. Once we got back, my mom, dad, sister, brother, and I walked downtown and found the library. It was a really pretty town and a really pretty library. We didn't have internet connection at the house so we used the library computers. When we left the library we went to a little coffee shop and got hot chocolate. it was goooooooooood. After we got back to the house my mom had to work
so the rest of us went back to the path my sister and i had found and we took a picnic. We hiked for so long in the rainforest then finally we came to a rode. we followed the rode to the BEACH! where we found shells and lots of birds and ducks and a giant swing made out of a log. We ate lunch and ducks came up to us and ate bread out of our hands. Then we rode on the giant swing. then it started raining. We ran under a shelter and waited for it to calm down but finally we made a run for the forest path again. in the path the trees were so dense that barely any rain hit us. Finally we got back and my brother, sister and I walked downtown together and went to the library and read for and hour, then went and got pastries at the bakery. another suprising detail-(my dad now has a new favorite dessert, it's not donuts. it's pastries!) After we ate we went to bed. The next day we got up early again. Today we were going to see the aquarium. We drove for about 45 minutes into Aukland (on the left side of the rode) and finally found the aquarium/Antarctica museum. Inside there were stingrays, and turtles, and lots and lots of penguin. we took a little cart around the penguins and saw them eating and even a baby penguin. Then we walked through a giant tube that had fish and sharks and stingrays. We also saw sea horses, moray eel, and giant lobster. After we left the aquarium we drove around for a really long time looking for a way out of Aukland and food. Finally we found our way back, then decided to visit a beach where the movie "The piano" was filmed. It was the most beautiful beach in the world. It had sand slopes, a river leading to the ocean (that was freezing and we had to walk through) and huge cliffs that we ended up climbing. After we left we were freezing. it was pretty cold outside, and because we had taken a wrong path we had to walk through knee deep ice cold water. (i would have swam in it) Then we got pizza when we went back into town, now i'm blogging and gabe is asking if we want to watch t.v. C YA!!!!!!!!!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Gold. This valuable, shiny, dense element has been admired by billions of people for generations. One of the most common way to mine for gold is gold panning. The gold panning process consists of simply putting sand and gravel in a large pan and running water through it. The pans are then shaken and the sand and gravel fall out leaving any gold. The obsession for gold started long ago from the Indians to the Spanish to present day and years in between. When Cortes came to the America's he came in search of three things land, slaves, and most of all gold. Pizarro conquered the Inca empire killing nearly all of the Indians including the chief for gold. In 1849 the gold search continued when gold was discovered in California by James Marshall, this was the start of the California gold rush. Thousands of people came from the U.S (Mexico still owned California), Australia, and parts of Europe for a chance to find gold. Gold is an obsessive mineral that billions of people have searched, killed, and died for.
Monday, January 5, 2009
My dad
My dad is my hero
My dad is my hero
He’s honest, brave, and strong
Flying hundreds of passengers
Back and forth all day long.
Studying and studying
All day long to pass the test
Cramming books and note cards
Doing his very best.
My dad is my hero
Also a great friend
He’ll always be there for me
Forever until the end.
Love Amelia
My dad is my hero
He’s honest, brave, and strong
Flying hundreds of passengers
Back and forth all day long.
Studying and studying
All day long to pass the test
Cramming books and note cards
Doing his very best.
My dad is my hero
Also a great friend
He’ll always be there for me
Forever until the end.
Love Amelia
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