Wednesday, September 10, 2008

bee beard

A few days ago my family and I decided to go to a bee festival. My parents said that there would be a man there that had bees all over his face like a beard. It took a while to get there because my parents got lost but finally we entered the small town of Lythopolis. There were tents everywhere and stands selling, pottery, honey, honey candles and a lot more. We kept following the signs that said bee man. The signs led us to a small tent
surrounded by a bunch of anxious people. Finally two men arrived one wearing a screened hat and another with nothing but a tee shirt and shorts on. Then, "in my opinion was the craziest thing ever" they started to dump the bees into a grocery bag. As one man was doing this the other was putting a little box on his chin, this box held the queen bee. After they had gotten enough bees in the bag the man started to pour the bees towards his face! Soon they were covering hes chin, neck and part of his shirt. That still wasn't enough, the man kept scooping up bees with his bear hand and putting more bees on his face. After he stopped, there was a giant bee beard on his face. The crowd applauded and the bee man walked around for everyone to see the cluster of honey bees. Pretty soon the crowd died down and the man started to get the bees off. Before we went I decided to take a look at the library there, it was huge and amazing. To me it looked just like a castle, with paintings on the walls and sculptures. After I was out of the library I watched the band play for a little while and my mom bought some honey. Then we left, it was a great day at the bee festival.

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