Monday, August 11, 2008

New Hampshire

I have recently come back from my trip to New Hampshire. This was my first time going on a trip alone. First, I had to ride the plane alone, the whole way there I pretty much did two things read, and sleep. When I arrived my Aunt Tricia was waiting at the gate. After we got to the car we started on our way back to Warner where my Aunt Tricia lives. On the way we stopped by Panera's and even though it was 80 degree weather we both got a bowl of hot soup. When we arrived at the house I got a huge welcome by Sammy and Pippy my aunt's two white and fluffy American Eskimo's. The whole week I got to read and write a ton, mostly fantasy. Another thing we did was go to the book store (bookends) there I picked out a Spanish board game since we are going to Mexico soon. I also explored some poetry books by Robert Frost and Emily Dickinson. Next, we made a stop at Wing doodle. Wing doodle was a store like no other they had exotic crafts and toys, beaded animals, jewelry and giant pipe cleaners. Here I found my mom and my sisters presents earrings for my mom and giant pipe cleaners that you could bend and twist and connect to make all sorts of different things for my sister. The next day we went to books by the lake (another bookstore) where the books were crammed onto the shelves and there were tons of different rooms and aisles. Here I picked out a book called Esperanza rising about a girl who lives in Mexico and has everything she ever wants until she is forced to move to the united states with her mother. We kept hoping that it would it would rain because we both agreed it would be fun browsing books while it was raining. It rained. Right as we walked out the door. When we got back I read for the rest of the day since my aunt had to teach one of her students. After he left my uncle Melvin and I played bad mitten. Lets just say I didn't do so well. The next day my aunt and my uncle had to meet a real estate agent because they are selling there house so while he was there taking pictures, I took the dogs for a walk around the yard for a while, when I came back in I watched a movie called Bear with me about a girl who tries to save the bears from men cutting down the forests. After that we headed to lake massasecum. There me and my aunt Tricia used the paddle boat and went around the island in the middle of the lake. We started to think that people say yeah to much and so we tried to say yeah the whole way around the island. We couldn't do it, one way or the other it sounds weird to say "I agree" or "exactly". I also had a giant pickle, and got a floating raft for my brother. When we got back we all started to pack to come back to Ohio. We were driving. Unfortunately, we couldn't take the dogs. Of course they were exited for doggie daycare. While we were dropping them off the next day we saw a dog show there were little shelties and on American Eskimo named Chili. The Shelties made me miss daisy. I now hate new york 4 hours 1 in which it was raining. when it started to get dark we went to the Microtel to sleep. I can see how they got the name the room was.... a pipsqueak. I got to sleep in the windowsill which was like a little bed. I went to bed fast that night. The next day we arrived at my grandparents house. There I sat staring at the window waiting for my mom, sister, and brother to arrive. I was so happy, it was a very fun vacation!

Thank you Aunt tricia and Uncle Melvin.

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