Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Global warming

Today I read an article about global warming. Carbon dioxide is entering the Earth's atmosphere but not enough of the Carbon dioxide isn't escaping back out of the atomosphere. This is an example of green house gas. With a greenhouse, the sunlight comes in through the glass trapping heat inside and not enough heat is excaping back out. Another cause is big industries are realeasing carbon dioxide into the air. Big industries are also polluting the Earth by realeasing so many toxic chemicals into the air.
The Effects of global warming are ice caps in the arctic are melting. Because the ice is melting, it is causing many animals that live there to starve or begain to lose their homes. For example, most penguins live off krill, krill usually live underneath the ice, if the ice is melting there are less krill for the penguins to eat. If the penguins die out, animals such as the lepoerd seal will have nothing to feed on. On of the main animals losing food and homes are the polar bear. There home is the ice and if the ice is melting, where do they live? Polar bears where made to live in the cold with there thick fur and layers of fat, if the earth heats up they will be stuck in warm weather where they can't survive. Global warming is even effecting humans. Because the ice is melting that is causing sea level to rise, the land that we live on is gradually being replaced with water. I think that something has to be done before it's to late.

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