Friday, May 9, 2008

Today we woke up fairly early, we were going to the Orsay meseum. my mom wasn't going with us since she just wanted to relax since we were going to walk quite a bit and see...bones. As we started to head out my sister and I went down the stairs, there we leaped up and grabbed on on the bars and swung on them trying to beat the elevator (which held my dad and brother) down. Once we had gotten down we started walking down the street and before we got to the museum, my dad let us stop for chocolate creps. (A thin pancake with chocolate melted inside of it). After we arrived at the orsay museum we showed the guard our passes and then started walking in. My favorite section in the museum was the section with Claude Monet's paintings. One of his paintings is the le bassin aux nympheas. This painting shows a a bridge over a lilly pond in Monet's garden. Since Monet was known as the impressionist this piece shows a lot of unrealistic details. for example the lilly pads aren't really resembleing real lily pads. I think that Monet wasn't just painting the lilly pond, I think that he was painting how he felt and that is why Monet was known as an impressionist he didn't just paint what what he was looking at but much more. I think that Monet was inspired a lot by his garden and he uses a lot of detail from the lily pond and flowers. Although I think that some of his paintings are exaggerated, I think that he had a creative idea for each painting. I found out that nymphea's mean water lily's and that that is where the name for the painting came for since the water lily's are one of the main section's in the painting. Monet was a great artist and an inspiration to many people.

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