Sunday, May 4, 2008

The art mueseum and Luxembourg park

Today we woke up late since we had gotten back to the apartment late the night before. We decided that we couldn't go to monet's garden since we woke up to early so we decided to go to an art museum that was nearby. We started to walk down the street, which was already so busy, and headed towards the mueseum. Once we had gotten there it took us a while to get inside since we didn't know how to get in. Once we had gotten in we saw a giant spider sculpture and a gold ball swinging around a giant ball that was hung to the ceiling then we started up to the escalator which was in a giant tube going to the higher floors. Once we had gotten to the top floor we found out that you needed tickets to go and see the art on that floor so we headed down to a lower floor where we got to see all kinds of modern art. Some of the art looked like a giant blotch and you would think that it would be easy to paint and some art just had no meaning but would amaze you with there color and different patterns. We saw so many paintings and sculptures of humans, animals, and just designs. Once we started to get hungry we started to head down the escalator. After we were down and outside we saw a bunch of people playing exotic insruments and painters. We than headed to a greek resaraunt to eat. After we had ate we started to head towards Luxembourg park. As we kept going we saw some french performers playing the guitar, drums, and singing. Once we had gotten to the park they were selling icecream and we got melon, kiwi, and mango icecream. There were performers at the park too, there were trumpet players, trombone players, and drummers. After we ate our icecream we headed deeper into the park where there was a pond with romote control boats in it and ducks. Around the pond were a bunch of people sitting, talking, and picnicing. Once we had sat at the pond for awhile we got to watch some people play tennis at the park. We than left the park and sat on a bench for a little bit before going on the metro back to the apartment. Once we had gotten of the metro we sat at a little cafe for a little and had tea, orange juice, and water then we had chinese food for dinner. Once we had gotten back to the apartment my mom and dad left to get groceries while we rested. We looked forward to the next day.

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