Sunday, May 11, 2008


Today we woke up pretty early to go to Versailles. We were going to take a metro since it was so far away, even the metro ride would take 45 minutes. On the metro half of the time I was sleeping and half of the time I was reading, finally we got to Versailles. Versailles is where king Louis 14th, 15th, and 16th lived, also the Queen, Marie Antoinette. Once we got there, we noticed that the line was huge. It swerved across a large patio and you had to go across the patio 3 times and around swerves 3 times. finally we got to the entrance. As we walked into the palace we saw what seemed like a thousand different rooms, all with different themes. There was the bedrooms for the queen and king, the apollo room, the war room, and many more. Once we had looked at some of the rooms, we decided we'd had enough fancy, fluffy, and velvet for one day so we headed out to the garden. The garden was actually where King Louis had big parties. There were fountains everywhere and the best part, ice cream. After we had eaten, we headed down to the big lake to see the sail boats that were sailing in the water. We walked through the hedges for a while and looked at different fountains that had sculptures in them after that we headed back up to the palace to the a fountain where everyone was gathering for the ending event, a fountain show. For the water show, there was a giant fountain that sprayed up really high into the air. We left early so the metro wouldn't be very crouded and on the way we ate dinner. Once we finally got on the metro it wasn't very crouded so we all got seats. We had to get on and off three times until we finally got back to the right station where the apartment is. Once we got home my mom and dad went out together and we all read and blogged until they got back. Looking forward to another fantastic day in paris.

Some imformaton about the Versailles:
marie Antoinette wanted to live a peasent life as an escape from the queen world but she didn't want to starve or beg for food so she built a village in the country where she just had her friends visit.
Louis 14th was also known as the king of sun, when he grew peaches in his green house underground all his peaches turned out good and thats how he got his name.

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