Friday, May 2, 2008


Today we arrived in Paris. The plane we rode in was a 767 and really cool since we sat in Business. We had are own individual T.V's and my sister and I stayed up really late talking and playing with our flashlight. When the plane finally landed we unloaded and walked around until we found where the baggage area was. We waited there for along time until we decided to ask someone about our bags. We found out they had been left in Chicago and that they would have to come on the next flight. After we showed the security our passports, we got passes for the subways that went all over paris underground. We rode and rode for a long time and then when we got off we still didn't know where we were. We finally after walking on the streets of Paris for a while we got on the right subway and got to our hotel. Later after we had eaten. My dad, sister, brother, and I all went out and saw the Arc de triomphe. We walked in an underground passage until we got right under it the Arc de tiomphe. There were beautiful sculptures and detailed carvings in the Arc de Tiomphe. There was also a fire burning with flowers surrounding it. As we walked back we stopped at a bakery and my dad spoke french as we bought some dessert. when we got back we all started to fall asleep and eventually we did. In the morning we went to our apartment that we were renting. We had to take a subway but after that it was a pretty short walk. When we got there the man was still cleaning so we left and had lunch. My sister got a egg and cheese crepe and the rest of us got Panini which was a large bread with different foods in it like cheese, tomato and a lot more. Once we got back to the apartment my dad, brother, sister, and I went to the grocery store and got a bagette which is French bread. We also walked downtown and to look for a dry cleaning. When we got back we had bagette, apples, and sausage.

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