Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The arc de Triomphe, Monet, and the Louvre.

Today we woke up pretty late and because my mom never got to see the arc de Triomphe, we decided to go. We wanted to take the metro since we had other plans that day. Once we had gotten to the metro station we got on and rode to a station near the Arc de Triomphe. We walked in an underground walkway under the street until we were there. My dad had gotten museum passes so could go to the top of the monument. We learned that the Arc de Triomphe was built in napolean's honor. The stairs took forever. They winding stairs and they went around in around over and over, when you thought you were at the top you would only be about half way. After we had gotten to the top there was a small exibit at the top with statues and a screen showing underneath the Arc de Triomphe. The stair nightmare had just begun. There was another staircase to the top. Once we had gotten to the top I decided it was worth the climb up. There was a view of the Eiffle tower and a semetrical street that looked almost perfectly the same on both sides. After looking around at the view, we headed back down the winding staircase and to Champ-elysees, where everyone was shopping and eating lunch. Since my my mom wasn't feeling good we stopped at a pharmacy to get medecine, then we stopped for lunch and got sandwiches. After we had finished our lunch, we started to walk down the street toward's the Louvre. As we got nearer we saw a big gold post that had Egyption symbols on it and it turns out it was brought here from Egypt. After we had gotten to Monet's museum we saw a bunch of paintings that monet painted. We also saw paintings by Picasso. Once we were done looking at the paintings we headed to the front of the Louvre. There were statues everywhere. There was also what we called the "Mini Arc de Triomphe" you could see the real Arc de Triomphe right through it. We didn't go into the Louvre that day since it would take a whole day to see the whole thing. We started to walk until we saw this couryard that had a bunch of small and giant poles in it, big enough to stand on. We went around trying to get up on the big ones and jumping from one to the other on the small ones. When we left my brother, sister, and I were disappointed when we had to leave. We started to walk back and when we got back to another museum where we sat on a brick patio infront of the meseum while we ate our ice cream, then we headed back home. We went to bed pretty early that night.

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