Thursday, April 21, 2011

Amazing Vegan Dinner

What an amazing night! So tonight for our vegan dinner, we had a lot of really yummy food. Isabel and I cooked fettuccine with salt, basil and peas and placed on top some asparagus with lemon juice, garlic, salt, and pepper. It was pretty delicious. The next dish we made ended up being a kind of soup. (but we put it over the fettuccine too) It had potatoes, carrots, garlic, fake sausage, veggie broth, and some crushed red pepper. The best part, none of these items were cooked with oil! Except for a little olive oil in the fettuccine to keep it from sticking. After dinner, we had some vegan peanut butter cookies that Isabel made. They were so good! you could not tell they were vegan. I would say Day one has been a huge success. Can't wait to cook again tomorrow!

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