Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Things I've learned about Dragons 1. Dragons, although large and scary are very beautiful creatures. 2. If you go chasing after a dragon, there is a 76% chance you will be eaten. 3. people can turn into dragons, all it takes is lots of spinach and some pixie dust. 4. At one point in your life, you will become a dragon. 5.You may or may not be awake to experience this drastic transformation. 6.Dinosaurs are NOT Dragons!!! 7. Dragons are reptiles, despite the constant rumor of them being mythical creatures. 8. To a Dragon, you taste like a piece of celery with ranch dressing. 9. If you ever go to the middle of the Pacific ocean, you will probably see a dragon. 10. If you ever find and successfully capture a dragon, call me! p.s this information did come from a reliable source.....maybe;)

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