Friday, February 29, 2008

Green sand black sand, and some wind mills!!

Today we went to the southern part of the island to sea the most southern part of the United States and go to some beaches. We left a little late but then drove for hours until we finally arrived. We saw tons of windmills, most of them weren't working, but a few were running. The ride didn't seem that long because me and my sister were drawing most of the time so it seemed to us like 45 minutes. At the windmills there were cows grazing and me and my sister named one daisy because it was an orange, yellow color. We went on to try to find the green sand beach which my dad said had real green sand. To get there we had to hike on part rock, and part mud and dirt. The hike was like 2 miles and I was wearing flip flops so me and my sister were behind the rest of the family, not my mom though because she had to stay home to work. Finally, we arrived, we had to hike down a huge cliff to get there, you couldn't fall because below there was sharp lava rock. When we got down the hill I noticed that the sand was actually green. Normally you see a tan color of sand but this sand was literally green! My brother and my sister and I climbed up another part of the cliff which was really fun because it was made of sand. We would go as high as we could and then jump and land on the soft sand where we could slide down the hill. My sister and I also climbed up on the ledges of the cliff and ran through the water. Since we had left our bathing suits in the car when we would run through the water, are clothing would get wet and we would ignore it not thinking of how cold we would be when we got out and had to walk back to the car. When we were done playing we hiked back up and saw a whale flip it's tail up out of the water. When we got back we started to drive again. This time we were going to visit another beach but this one, instead of green sand this beach has black sand. First, we were going to make a side stop to the southern most point of the United States. We stayed there for a few minutes, knowing that this was as far as the united States went southward. When we did leave we make it to the black sand beach just in time. It was getting dark. We walked along the shoreline for a while until me and my brother saw a giant sea turtle just laying there. At first we thought it was dead then when my brother got up close to it it's eyes opened. While my sister and my dad were using the restroom, my brother sat 2 feet from the turtle and started talking to it. My brother says he swore the turtle could understand him. The water at the black beach happened to be freezing cold but we decided to go in anyway because we were really hot from the car ride over. Finally I dove into a wave and got use to the water. Me and my brother played in it, as for my sister she said she was use to it but after she got knee high she wouldn't go in any further. When we finally left we were all really cold because of the water. When me and my brother and sister started singing for fun, my dad rolled down the windows because we wouldn't stop. We begged him to roll them up but he said he couldn't because they were broken. We didn't believe him, but it turns out the were broken. When we did get back home we worked on our reports and went to bed.

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