Monday, February 18, 2008

Hiking, lavender, poetry

We are on our first vacation since the start of our new home- schooling experience in Hawaii. After two days at the beach and a whale festival we were ready to take our first hike. We were originally going to go hiking on a trail threw the red wood forest on Mt. Haleakala but the road was closed so we decided to go back down to a lavender farm that was a little ways down the hill to have tea and scones. There was a tremendous view from the mountain side, you could see the city below and the lavender farm. When we got to the lavender farm the sweet smell of lavender was immediately dancing around your nose. The lavender plants were in nice, neat rows up and down the hill. When we got inside the shop all you could see was lavender. There was lavender soap lavender tea even lavender scones and chocolate. We found seats overlooking the rest of the mountain and got some lavender tea and scones before leaving. We continued down the mountain and apparently went the wrong way and ended up in front of a hiking trail which we decided to hike since we didn't hike the other trail.  We ended up hiking down to a spring with a waterfall and giant rocks covered in moss. The hike back up was a lot more challenging since the spring was down a really steep slope and it had taken a while to get down. Finally we got to the top and hiked back to the car. We drove back to the town of Makawao where we ate ate at a mexican restaurant called Polli's. When we got back to our house in Haiku, we were all tired and wanted to relax. After playing cards with my sister I wrote a poem called Live in the light. 

  Live in the light
 Swim in the sunshine
sparkle in the sky
cough as the puffy clouds stroll by.
Run in the rainbow
wish in the woods
fly like a flock of feathered birds.
Flutter in the forest
beam on the beach
keep stretching your joy 
as far as it can reach.

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