Friday, February 29, 2008

Mauna Loa

Today my mom had to work so my dad took us up to Mauna Loa which from the sea floor is taller then Mt. Everest. Mauna Loa is the tallest volcano in the world and produces the most lava. On are way we stopped to stretch out since it was a long way up Mauna Loa. We stopped at this small hiking trail which my brother and sister walked barefoot. Me and my dad raced to the top which lead to a giant cliff that was made up of loose cinder which was eroding away. My dad after begging that it was already a path finally let us go down the cliff of loose cinder. Thats when I took off my shoes and let my bare feet sink into the squishy sand like cinder as I went down the hill. Finally, we finished and decided to keep going up the mountain. We stopped at the visitor center where we watched a movie about the telescopes up on Mauna Loa. My dad says Mauna Loa has the largest telescope in the world. When we did finally get to the top it was really hard to breathe because of the lack of oxygen. We couldn't even run or we would feel dizzy and have to lay down on the sand. There was even snow at the top of Mauna Loa, thats how high it is. It reminded me of Ohio the feel of snow, it was just a little warmer. We got to see the telescope in it's huge silver case. The way back down seemed like forever but finally we got down and went back home.

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