Friday, February 29, 2008

Snorkeling with a turtle in Champagne pond

Today we went snorkeling in Champagne pond. The pond is actually really warm because it is heated by the volcano. We woke up late so it was to late to go to Kona where the pretty fish are so instead we went to champagne pond. We first went and got our supplies at the store where the guy suggested this other place down the rode. We drove for about 45 minutes until we came to the to the start of the hike that we had to take to get to the pond. After walking for not even 5 minutes, a truck came down the trail so we moved to the side and let them pass us. The people in the truck stopped after they saw us and got out of their truck. They told us that if we went to this other place we would arrive much quicker. They said if we kept taking this path it would be 45 minutes to the pond and back. My mom and dad decided to go with there directions so we turned back. We drove about 5 minutes before turning into this private neighborhood where we went through the walking area and wandered around the neighborhood for a long time, we even ran into these other people that were looking for the pond. They didn't know where it was either so we decided to go back because we didn't want to get lost. On our way back we ran in to these other people who told us the were going to Champagne pond and said if we followed them they would show us where to go. We followed them and came to this big pond where we snorkeled for a long time. I didn't even have to get use to the water it was so warm. We saw puffer fish, saddle wrasse, and a giant sea turtle that was laying there and every so often it would pop up to take a break. We watched it for a long time. Finally we left and went to Borders, a book store and we each picked out a book and then we went to get ice cream. I picked a drawing book and spent almost the rest of the evening drawing. Then we went to bed.

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