Sunday, March 2, 2008

Snorkeling in Kona

Today we went snorkeling in Kona, which is known for it's beautiful fish. We woke up early and ate pancakes before leaving. We already had are snorkel gear from the day before so we just left early. It was a two hour ride to Kona so I had brought my DVD player and My brother, my sister, and I watched movies on the way there. On the way we stopped at the grocery store to get snacks and towels. We ended up getting a back pack to. We stopped to eat on the way also. When we finally got there it was really crowded. When we got to the beach we found a shady place on a flat rock. My brother, dad, and I got in first. We saw giant sea urchins, and many different types of fish like the yellow tang and the puffer fish. My brother and I went really deep out until he was going to fast and I lost him. Finally I found the way back and got my dad to go out deep with me. When we found my brother we swam around looking at different things. I even saw pink or purple coral. When we went in me and my sister saw about four turtles and then went to explore the tide pools. There were sea urchins in every little cove of the hardened lava rock. When we did leave we went and ate dinner at Denny's and then got ice cream at cold stone creamery where they had cake batter ice cream. When we got home we watched Harry Potter which lasted for a long time before going to bed.

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