Sunday, March 30, 2008

Hiking, Elk, and the water park.

Today we woke up and got ready for a hike with my dad. First, we went out to eat then we headed to the hiking spot. We went to this dry looking field hike but when we started it was much more. As I took alot of pictures my sister scanned the ground searching for rocks such as white marble. When my brother started taking pictures I searched for rocks to. We found all sorts red ones, more marble and even black sparkely ones. As we kept walking through the field we saw the mountains and the path was heading up into them. We started to feel snow but still it was warm enough for tee shirts. First, we went way up in the mountains then we started to go back down where the path was turning into sand again like it had been when we were on flat ground. Soon we started to come back to the field. We walked for 3 miles that day and we were really tired when we got home. That night my mom and sister drove my dad to the airport while my brother and I stayed home. The next day my mom was going to take us to the recreation center to go on the climbing wall and water park. The next mourning we were all really exited to go to the water park so we all ate really quickly. When we got there my brother went to do the climbing wall while my sister and I went to the water park. First, we went down the big slide. The slide started out so that you were in pitch dark and then then the slide was half open so you could see the rest of the water park as you went down. Once we went down one time we went down like 5 more times before exploring the rest of the water park. There was a lazy river there wher the current would pull you around in a huge circle and it was a little dificult to get out sometimes. After that we went on the slide again until my brother came and we played tag in the lazy river with him. When he got out to go on the climbing wall me and my sister played alone again. Once we left we ate and then went in the hot tub at home since it was so cold out. After that we read a little and then went to bed.

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