Friday, March 7, 2008

Going home and starting homeschooling

Today it was a very happy day for my little sister and a very sad day for the rest of us. Today we were going home. We woke up pretty early since the rental car was due back a 2:00. When we got to the airport we returned are car before going to check are bags in. When we got through security we headed straight to are gate. We had to sit there for like two hours then we got on the plane to go home. The plane was huge, just like the plane that we took to get there. First, once we got on the plane we watched the movie that they were playing, then since I was sitting with my sister we colored. Eventually, my sister fell asleep so I watched movies on my DVD player for the rest of the time. Finally, after 7 hours we arrived in Chicago. The next 90 minutes from Chicago to Columbus was no time at all since I was so tired because I had stayed up all night on the plane. When we arrived in Columbus, my dad went to get the car while we all waited inside the airport. We were all anixous to get home because we all missed my dog and my cat and we were so tired. When we got home my mom and dad took a nap and I tried to but my sister wasn't tired because she had slept on the plane so all she wanted to do was play, play, play. I was so tired that night I went to sleep almost right away even though my mom and dad said to try to stay up to get off the hawaiian time. Finally, I went to bed.

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