Wednesday, March 26, 2008

In Colorado

Today we arrived in Colorado. The plane ride was a little less then 2 hours and the whole time me and Isabel were playing board games and drawing. When we finally got there we rented a car and started towards are house. It took us a long time to get to are house since we kept getting lost. Finally, my dad stopped and asked for directions and we got to are house in less then 5 minutes. When we got there my sister, brother, and I all unpacked. We were sharing a room since it had two sets of bunk beds. After we unpacked even though it was really late my mom and dad let us go into the hot tub which was just outside the house. We stayed in there for a long time and played. When we got out we went straight to bed since we were really tired. When we woke up the next mourning we all got straight to work. We wanted to go into the hot tub again but we had to finish our school work first. We all got are french, math, grammer, and history done and then went to the hot tub. My dad came in this mourning. We had to take my dad back to Denver because he had training so we drove back to Denver and my dad went to his hotel room. After that he came back out and we ate at Panera's. Then we had to say goodbye to my dad. We dropped him off and then started to drive back to Evergreen. When we got back my brother and I had a tennis lesson so we went to this big bubble and inside it was a tennis court. There we had a lesson with two other boys. We played games and the coach fed us tennis balls. When we got home my brother explored outside in the backyard while my sister and I watched a movie. That night my sister and I got to make dinner and then we got dessert. We went to bed early that night.

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