Monday, March 17, 2008

The works and a night at the school

Today we got up early because we were going to the works for a science class and an art class. When we got there we signed in and then got the rest of the time before class to explore the works. There were machines, games, and a race track for cars. When we finally got called in there were like 20 other kids at the class who were all home-schooled. The little kids went to art class first which was in a studio on the other side of the works. The older kids stayed for the science class. They were talking about Newtons laws of motion. The first activity we did was we had to make a car out of legos and the fastest one would win. We had to decide if we should put alot of mass on or very little. My brother and I ended up getting 2nd place. Next, we did smaller activities where the activities were set up around the room and we would walk to them. On one activity we had to spin 4 eggs and try to determine whether they were hard boiled or raw. Another on we had to pour water into soda cans and see what the can would do. The next one we had two spring scales and we would have to pull them on opposite sides and try to get them even. The last activity was we had to put coins on a paper and pull them up without moving the coins that much. After we had talked about them we had to do one more thing. We would have to find a way to drop an egg from the top of a ladder without breaking it. My brother and I were partners again. First we got a carboard box and filled it up with these puffy things and cotton balls then we put the egg between two paper cups and taped them together. Then we put the egg and the paper cups inside the box and taped the box closed. Last we weighed it. We then had time to eat lunch. My sister came back and we sat together at one of the tables and watched them drop the eggs. Are egg ended up surrviving but we didn't win because one of the other eggs were lighter. When we went to art class we made pysanky eggs which are eggs with designs on them. I tried to draw a rose on mine but plaster was really hard to draw on so the paint ended up running down the side of the eggs and making a grayish black color. My brother made an egg that was red with a camel and a bunch of cool designs. Finally, it was time to leave. When my mom came to get us we were playing games in the works. When we got home my friend called and invited me to girls night at our school and I got to go. When we got there 5 of my friends ran up to me and asking me so many questions. We watched other 6th grade girls give a fashion show and then some people sang when we played American idol. My friends Angie and Jen were dressed in twin out fits with tiaras they sang a song first. After that we played flashlight tag all around the school and the teachers were it. We had people hiding under lunch baskets and in class rooms. In the gym they had video games and basketball. For the last thing they played the movie Hairspray. When we got back to the house we had to go to bed right away since it was 11:00 and I had tennis the next day.

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