Friday, February 22, 2008

The Maui aquarium by Amelia

Today all of us slept in late because we were all tired from the long hike in Haleakala volcano. When we did get up, we decided to stay inside for the day because we were all sun burned from the hike in the sun. Finally we came to a conclusion, we would go to the aquarium. We would get to see amazing fish and reefs and sharks, but we wouldn't be in the sun. When we arrived we got these audio tour remotes and as we went along we could type in the number on the signs and listen to a brief description of what we were looking at and some facts about it. We saw many different kinds of fish and a moray eel that kept opening it's mouth and closing it, like it was showing off it's white teeth. As we went on we came to the sea turtles. The sea turtles would float around the water on their bellies looking like they were having the best time in the world. Next, we went to a tank with really shallow water and it was surrounded with rocks, about table height, so you could walk around and touch the starfish, sea cucumbers and sponge. We then went down some stairs into an underground sight of the hammerhead sharks. The sharks would just swim around moving their tails because apparently their tail acts as a second heart. When we were done looking at the sharks we came to the tunnel which lead inside and they had these games that involved whales, dolphins, and fish. Finally, we came to a big room with a clear glass window so you could look under the water at giant fish, stingrays, and even a tiger shark. The man there gave a speech that we listened to for about 15 minutes before moving on to the real tunnel. The tunnel was like a tube that had 3 sides that were clear glass so you could see stingrays floating above you while a shark is going on one of the side walls. After we got out of the tunnel we went to the gift shop and I got my name painted on a piece of paper by a guy that turns the letters in your name into some other thing in Hawaii, like inside the A in my name he painted a seal. When we left we went and saw whales leaping out of the water and flipping their tails up into the air as to say look at me. Finally, we left the aquarium and drove back to Haiku and had a cook out. We watched a movie together and then gradually went to bed.

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