Friday, April 18, 2008

Home sweet home

Finally, after a long plane ride we were home. when we got home we were all really tired. My sister, brother and I went right to the tramoline when we got home, while my dad went to the store and my mom opened the mail. The next day we all got up early as usual and started doing are work. My brother and I had to read an article about Joan of arc and how she fought in many wars and was said to of heard the voices of saints. We also read an article on global warming and all the co2 is being trapped inside the earths atmosphere and heating the earth causing sea level to rise. We also did our french, math, vocabulary, science, and history. My dad and brother then biked to the grocery store down town. While my dad and brother went down town my sister and I bounced on the trampoline and when my brother and dad got back my sister and I walked downtown. My sister got a new webkinz and we got candy which was eaten quickly. when we got back my brother got an idea to move the trampoline underneath a big wooden structure that my dad had built long before. It took a while but my brother and I finally moved it over and we took turns jumping off the fort and onto the trampoline. I was the funnest thing ever. That night are friend Lyndsey came over and jumped with us until it got really dark and the street lights were on lighting the trampoline. The next day my grandparents came over after we did our work and we did tricks on the trampoline for them and put up the swing that had broken down. When it came time for dinner we went to Olive garden to eat. After Olive garden my mom and dad went to Lows since our trees on the side of our yard had died and they were thinking of replaceing them with yellow bushes. Once they got home we bounced on the trampoline for a little longer before going to Whits for icecream. Once we got back my grandparents had to go home. After jumping on the trampoline for a little bit again, we all went to sleep.

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