Monday, April 28, 2008

rainy tennis and sleepovers

Today we had to get up pretty early to go to our tennis lessons at Denison University. Since it had warmed up quite a bit since we got back we started to play tennis outside. I woke up and got all my things together and then we headed towards the courts. When we got there the clouds were getting darker but the courts were still dry so we could hit until it rained. We were just starting to warm up when it started to sprinkle we still kept playing and after a while it stopped but then towards the end of our lesson it started to rain pretty hard so everybody was running around picking up tennis balls and putting them under towels, then we headed to the advantage club. Since there were only 10 more minutes of my age groups lesson they just started isabels lesson when we got there. I just served on a different court until my brother came and set up the ball machine for us to hit with. When my sister was done with her lesson we started to head home. My brother stayed since he hadn't had his lesson yet. When we got home we just relaxed and watched t.v until it was time to go to are sleepover which was my sisters second sleepover. When we got there my friend and I went up to her room and played with her ginnypigs named curby and Leo. We got to take them outside and they ate grass, dandilions, and clovers. We found out that my other friend wasn't feeling good and wasn't coming and then went to get pizza and icecream when we got back right as the movie was starting my friend Kaitlyn gets a call that My friend Angie was going to come. When she got there we showed her the cats, dogs, ginnypigs, fish, and turtles and then got out fake tatoos and put them on. We also did our nails and played truth or dare. When we were done it was already late but we went downstairs and set up a two room tent and played until we fell asleep. The next mourning we ate breakfast and then went outside and to ride scooters and bikes before walking downtown and getting whits and webkinz. On our walk back Angie was picked up but the rest of us went to the Buckston in and looked in the fountains and found tadpoles which we saved from a tiny crevice in the cement. we put them into the pond with they others and cleared out the crevice so if they went in they could get back out easily without being stuck. When we got back home are friends stayed at our house for 2 hours then went home. Isabel and I had to clean are room and then we bounced on the trampoline before going to bed.

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