Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Skiing at last!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today we finally went skiing. We all had to get up really early because the skiing place closed at four o clock. The drive there was beautiful there were evergreen trees everywhere covered in snow. When we finally got to Winter park we parked and then got our rental gear. Once we had our gear, we headed to the slopes. The ride up was really long since the mountain was so big. We finally got to the top and went on the slope named the march hare, almost all the slopes had names from Alice in Wonderland like the mad hatter and the door mouse. It took forever to get to the bottom even though we really weren't at the bottom, we were just down the hill a little ways. The snow felt different since it was naturally there unlike the snow in Ohio which was manmade snow. Then we went up another slope that was surrounded with trees. Once we made it down the hill a little ways I started to feel bad since I hadn't eaten lunch yet and we were higher up so it was harder to breathe. My dad took us up another lift and to one of the lodges to eat. Since the mountain was so big there were lodges and cafe's on top of almost every lift. Once we had eaten macaroni in bread bowls we headed out on the slopes again. We split up with my brother one time since he wanted to go in the terrain park. We ended up losing him luckily we had a meeting spot and found him and went on another slope. We tried to get to the top but the lift was closed so we decided to go down the slope and back to the car since it was getting close to the closing time. When we got in the car we were all really thirsty and me and my sister finished a bottle of water each. Once we got home we ate dinner and went in the hot tub before going to bed. 

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