Thursday, April 10, 2008

Second day of skiing.

Today we went on our second day of skiing at winter park. My brother wanted to go off on his own to go off on his own in terrain park so my dad gave him a cell phone and he went off. First, we went and put our stuff in the lockers before heading out. We didn't have to go to the rental place since we got to keep our gear overnight. For our first lift we chose the main one that goes from the main level of the mountain up higher. We then went from there on a trail that was pretty hard on the snowboard since it was flat and we have nothing to pull ourselves along with. First we would go off and then when we ran out of speed we would crawl up hill to get more speed. When we finally got to the end of the run we took a lift up to Mary Jane which was higher up in the mountains. We then took a trail called Elderwiess which would lead us to the lift that would take us to the top point of the whole mountain. When we got there it was like an eight minute ride to the top and when we got there we were disappointed. The wind was spraying snow into our faces and it was freezing. We started down the hill and we ran out of speed again. Since it would take a while to get back up the slope we decided to just go down the mountain off the trail. I went through this forest path and got stuck a lot since the snow off trail was so thick. My board would slide underneath the thick snow and would get stuck there. When we finally got off onto a main trail we rode down to a lift and got on to ride back to Mary Jane. We were going to meet my brother for lunch so we decided to go back to a place called sunspot that was half way up the mountain where there was a lodge to eat at. After we ate we started down a path called March hare which lead down to another lift. After a whole day of snowboarding we were going to end with one last run corona. By then the snow had gotten a lot worse so without goggles you could barely see where you were going. There were a lot of turns on Corona so you would get stuck if you didn't have enough speed. After Corona we to a short trail back to the village at the bottom of the mountain, there we waited for my brother. The ski resort originally closed a 4:00 and even my dad, sister, and I were late but my brother was still almost on the top of the slope after closing time. He ended up getting a ride on a snowmobile down the slope. Once we had returned our stuff we headed back to the house. After eating dinner at the pizza restaurant with my mom we headed back to the house and went to bed.

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