Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Homeschooling, and some kickball

Today we woke up early to start are school work. We did our math, science, history, social studies, and languege arts before heading outside to the trampoline and the homemade swing that we put up. We were thinking of going to play tennis at Denison but we decided not to after a while. When we played on the trampoline for a while my sister and I decided to make a homemade swing on the pole in our yard. We first took a pole and secured a rope around it extra tight. Then, we took the other end of the rope and attached it to the top of there pole and after a while of work it was finally made, our invention we called a swirl swing. You woud sit on the pole and then wwing around the giant pole around in around. When the bus for the public school came to let off the kids our friend Lyndsey got off and stopped by to play for a while. We bounced on the trampoline and swung on the swirl swing until she had to go home to do her work when it was dinner time she came back to eat with us and then after dinner we bounced on the trampoline again. After bouncing we went into the front yard with the big bouncy ball and played kick ball for like thirty minutes with my brother and I on a team and Isabel and Lyndsey on a team. We played for a long time once my brother left to run with my dad until Lyndsey had to go home since it was a school night. My sister and I played in the room before going to bed that night.

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