Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hiking Mt. Haliakala

 Today was the most fun, and tiring day in Maui. We went hiking 13 miles in the inactive volcano on Maui called Mt. Haliakala. When we started down the mountain it was just a sandy path, because of all the ash, but soon the ash that we were walking on turned into us walking on hard dried up lava rock. Me and my sister, Isabel, kept running ahead of the others and talking while the rest of my family were a long way behind us. I took pictures of the amazing view as we went along. The whole time we were hiking, you could see clouds that were level to you. After a long hike we got to a huge cliff and the path up it was zig zag so it would go a long way one way then it would switch and go the other way all the way up the cliff. At some parts there was nothing between you and the drop off. We made a method that we would stop and take a break every 5 every time we would switch and go the other way on the zig zag. When we finally got to the top we were all exhausted, and tired. We made our way to the car and road down to Polli's, a mexican restaurant. We finally went home and almost straight to bed. 

1 comment:

schnauzer said...

I just discovered this part of the web. Good job, Amelia. I love your poetry. You are a very gifted writer.