Monday, March 10, 2008

Home in Granville.

When we arrived back at home my dad had to leave the the day after. We didn't have our math programs set up yet so we worked on mostly French, reading, and writing. We would start history and math when my dad got back. The day after the snow was up to my knees! When my dog would go out in our backyard the snow was up to her back so she would have to make paths all around the yard where she would walk. My friend Lyndsey and I made my dog what we called an island in the snow. We cleared alot of snow out of the way and made a giant grass patch for her to walk around on. That night my brother and I played scrabble online and lost every time. The next day I woke up really late and my mom and brother were planning on bundleing up to walk down town, I stayed to wait for my sister who was coming home from a friends house. After they got back me and my sister played before I cleaned my room. When I was done cleaning my room me and my brother played scrabble and actually won two games. That night my dad got home and brought ice cream. then we went to bed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are an amazing, brilliant, unique person with a kind soul, beautiful spirit, and oceans of talent...and I love you! Mom