Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My mom's birthday

Today was my moms birthday so we all slept in really late. We got up and ate pancakes then did the dishes before starting my moms special birthday day. My mom decided that she wanted to go to the black sand beach because she didn't go to the black sand beach before when the rest of us did because she had work. We went off and drove about and hour before finally getting there. At the beach me and my sister played in the tide pools. Then we played on the rocks in the ocean. The waves would crash up against the rocks and we would get sprayed. We saw two turtles on the beach sitting really close to each other. We also saw a sea turtle in a big tide pool and when my brother put his toes in the water the sea turtle attempted to bite his toe, but he only got away with it once. After spending a long time at the black sand beach, we headed back towards Hilo. My dad, my brother, my sister and I went into two grocery stores looking for the perfect birthday cake. My mom originally wanted a pineapple upside down cake. We went in the first grocery store but they didn't have it so we got a guava cake. Then when we passed another grocery store my dad decided to check to see if they had a pineapple upside down cake. They didn't have it so we didn't get another cake. When we got home we got to eat cake and then we went to bed.

1 comment:



You have been greatlky missed in class. I am glad you are enjoying the warm sunshine adventurs that await you in Hawaii. We are covered in snow and rain, still. I look forward to reading the poetry and stories that I hope you are itching to write about your adventures. If I could I would assign them to you.

Enjoy the rest of your vacation! We all miss you.

-Mr. Morris