Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The recreation center and the best pizza ever

Today we got up and did are school work as usual and the my mom told us that she would take us to the recreation center in evergreen to climb the climbing wall and go swimming again in the water park. Before we went we went to a mexican resteraunt to eat. When we got there we went straight to the water park. My sister and I met my brother in the lazy river and swam around playing tag for a little while then we went on the slide. On the slide we would take turns watching wach other go down. One time we would sit cross legged and then the next we would go down on our bellies. After we played in the water park for a 3 hours we went on to the climbing wall. First my brother went on one of the hard walls with no hand holds he had to put his hands in the little cracks. Then my sister made it to the top on the easy wall. Next it was my turn, I went on the medium wall. My brother went on the hardest wall next and then my sister went on the medium wall like I had done. Then I did the wall my brother just did and then the one with only cracks. When we left we went back to the house to just relax until we went to get my dad who was just getting back from a trip. On the way to Denver we listened to a tape. When we got there we picked up my dad and headed back to evergreen. When we got to evergreen we ate at a pizza resteraunt with the best pizza ever. It had the thickest crust ever. My dad, brother, and I walked back to the house. When we got back since the hot tub water was low my brother and I had to fill it back up my brother would dump a bucket in while i filled up another bucket. When we were done my dad and I went in the hot tub before going to bed. The next day we would be playing on sand doons.

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Amelia said...
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