Saturday, May 10, 2008

Bones, Bones, and more bones

Today my brother, sister, dad and i went to visit the catacombs of Paris. The Catacomb was a mile long tunnel underground. First, you would walk down 60 feet of stairs until you came to the tunnel. As we started to walk in, we saw no sight of the bones that we were told we would see so we just kept walking and pretty soon we got used to the cold, dull, tunnel. There were little coves in the tunnel that were blocked of and a couple fo times we flashed a light in them seeing if there were any bones, but still none. Then all of a sudden...tons and tons of gross, dirty, and disgusting, bones. The bones were just sitting in piles forming walls. There were skulls, and a bunch of arm and leg bones. My brother and sister actually touched the bones! For me i was scared to death, I wanted out, but it was a mile. We kept walking through the walls of bones until finally we got out. i later found out that all of those bones actually used to be in the graves of a cemetary in Paris. The people that lived near the cemetery were getting deseases because of inproper burials, open mass graves, and decomposing bodies. The people were probubly drinking the water that had gone through where the bones and bodies were, thats why they moved the bones to the tunnel. After we were done looking at gross bones, we went and ate before going home. On the way home my we stopped and got frozen food to cook at home. After dinner we had ice cream and gradually went to bed.

1 comment:

schnauzer said...

yuk, if I had gone with you, you and I would have stayed outside and eaten truffles instead....ha! I hope Gabe and ISabel washed really well after touching the bones. May still be contaminated. I saw a documentary about that on National Geographic where the people actually lived in the cemetery and shared the graves with the dead to live there. Miss you. Love you with all my heart. hi to Belle. Grandma Nick