Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Eiffle Tower

Today once we got up we quickly got ready because we were all exited to go to the Eiffle tower. We decided to walk there and not take the metro since it was a beautiful day and warm outside. My dad kept checking the map and then we would walk and then finally we came to a bridge that went over a river. We walked down to a river path until everyone started to get hungry, so we started looking for a place selling baguettes. We had no luck so we just stopped and got sandwiches and brownies at a cafe. When we had finishe our food we headed on looking for the Eiffle tower. It wasn't very hard to find since it was so tall. Once we got there we layed down in the grass and stared up at it. My brother took lots of pictures. We started to walk towards the long line of people waiting to buy tickets. My mom, sister, and I waited in line while Gabe, and my dad got water bottles for the walk up. We decided to walk up the stairs instead of the elevator. On the way up there were signs that told how and why the Eiffle tower was made. It turns out an arcitect named Gustave Eiffle designed the Eiffle tower for the worlds fair that was to take place in France. The Eiffle tower was finished after the world's fair had already taken place. Gustave Eiffle died before it was finished. When we got to the 1st floor we were already really high we walked around and took pictures before going up to the second floor. When we got to the second floor the view was already magnificant but it would be a lot better at top floor which there was a long line since you had to buy more tickets on the second floor to get to the top of the Eiffle tower. Finally, we got into an elevator and rode up to the top floor. The view there was better than anything I had ever seen. From up on top you could see the Arc de Triomphe, the lourve, the tons of lines below and even the river that we walked by. After a while we decided to head back down so we waited in another line and went back to the second level. The walk down was a lot easier than going up and when we got to the top we layed in the grass again. My brother, sister, and I walked over and got chocolate crepes. It was the first time I got to use my French in a long sentence. We then walked over to another street and got sandwhiches and cookies. After we ate we saw the Eiffle tower light up. It was an amazing sight then at 10:00pm it started to flash over and over again all over the tower. After it stopped we headed to the metro to get on the subway. After switching trains 3 or 4 times we got home and went to bed.

1 comment:

schnauzer said...

Hi Amelia, WOnderful job on your essay regarding the Eiffel Tower. It was very descriptive and I could picture how beautiful it is from your description. I'm glad you're getting such beautiful things. Been to Notre Dame yet? It will be very beautiful too. I visited a replica Notre Dame in Montreal, Quebec, Canada when I was a teen. Grandma and I are off to church. Today is memorial day and we took flowers to my grandparents graves, Uncle Raymonds, and Papa Gowan's. I miss you. Love you with all my heart. Have fun for me. Grandma Nicholls