Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The holocaust momorial and the lady and the unicorn tapestris

Today we visited the Holocaust momorial. Once we got to the Momorial we saw a sign that said to say silent. we found out by silent they ment no talking at all until you were out. We walked down a steep staircase until we got to a room with either dirt of rock for the walls then we entered a little chamber that held the momorial. There was a small pathway in the chamber with 200,000 little crystal lights that represented all the french lives that were taken during the Holocaust. Right when you walked into the cold chamber you could imagine what it was like for all those jews, gysies, and many more different races that were killed in the concentration camps. After we had left the holocaust momorial we went to Musee de cluny which held the lady and the Unicorn Tapesris. The Lady and the Unicorn tapestris are basically a bunch of quilts that have ladies and Unicorns on it and they are representing all the different senses like they have the ladies eating for taste or smelling for smell. There is one quilt that doesn't represent any sense and you are supposed to say what you think it means. it shows all the unicorns and ladies and animals together being happy and loving just gathering together. I think that it represents love and happieness. I think that it is supposed to make you think about what that picture means to you. After we left the lady and the unicorn tapestris we went to some more museums before going home. Once we got home my sister and I went to the Pitisserie while my brother went up to the apartment. when we got back we found out we were stuck in a middle room and my brother had to come open the door. He ended up forgetting the key in our apartment so we were locked out. We spent a long time just sitting on the street for a few hours and one man even let us try his key. Finally, my dad got on the roof {which was on the 5th floor} to go through the window. he did finally get in. After we were all in, my brother, sister, and I went to the grocery store and got dinner for us. We got onion rings, we thought, but it ended up being squid. After our dinner we blogged and went to bed. Another great day in Paris.

1 comment:

schnauzer said...

Hi, My Sweetheart,
Sounds like a good day trip except for the getting locked out and perhaps the squid. Yuk! Did you eat it? I would love to see the stained glass and also the Holocaust memorial. That was such a sad time in history. The sweets look simply wonderful. Eat some for me. Love you much, and miss you, Grandma Nick